Lending services heritage for arts organisations

Specialised equipment is very useful for some preservation and management tasks. There are various heritage organisations in Flanders and Brussels where these tools can be borrowed for free, unless otherwise stated. These lending services are primarily aimed at the heritage sector, but they are also open to arts organisations as long as there are no commercial purposes and it is clear that it concerns caring for cultural heritage. Below you can find out where you can go.

Specialised equipment is very useful for some preservation and management tasks. There are various heritage organisations in Flanders and Brussels where these tools can be borrowed for free, unless otherwise stated. These lending services are primarily aimed at the heritage sector, but they are also open to arts organisations as long as there are no commercial purposes and it is clear that it concerns caring for cultural heritage. Below you can find out where you can go.
Data logger.

Heritage Lending Service (FARO - Flemish Institution for Cultural Heritage)

  • Erfgoedcel Brugge, Bruges
  • Erfgoed Zuidwest, Kortrijk
  • Erfgoed Viersprong, Oosterzele
  • Erfgoedcel Waasland, Sint-Niklaas
  • Erfgoedlab Antwerpen, Antwerp
  • Erfgoedcel Kempens Karakter, Herentals
  • Zender, Sint-Martens-Bodegem
  • Erfgoedcel Leuven
  • ECRU Erfgoed, Genk
  • Erfgoed Haspengouw, Sint-Truiden

Hoe materiaal aanvragen?

Via de website van uitleendiensterfgoed dien je een aanvraag in en verklaar je je akkoord met de algemene voorwaarden. Na bevestiging door FARO is je reservering definitief. Je ontvangt per e-mail een document waarmee je het materiaal kunt afhalen in het gekozen uitleenpunt (je hoeft als aanvrager niet tot het werkingsgebied van de gekozen Erfgoedcel te behoren; de Erfgoedcellen werken hier samen voor heel Vlaanderen). Bijkomend advies over de aanpak van je project is altijd mogelijk. Richt je vraag aan uitleendienst@faro.be.

Log in (top right) and choose a lending point to view and reserve specific products.

What can you borrow?

  • Photography set: make uniform and high-quality digital photos.
  • Data loggers for temperature and relative humidity: record the storage climate in which heritage collections are stored.
  • Data logger for light and UV: measure the light intensity and radiation to which heritage is exposed.
  • Museum vacuum cleaner: carefully clean your heritage collection.
  • Anoxia set: safely combat harmful insects in your heritage collection.

How does the equipment work?

You can find a user guide on the website of the lending services in Flanders and Brussels.

Regional heritage services


Een groot aantal regionale erfgoedcellen heeft een uitleendienst voor erfgoedorganisaties uit hun werkingsgebied, voornamelijk met tentoonstellingsmateriaal, educatief en audiovisueel materiaal. Soms is er ook een museumstofzuiger, scanner, fotografieset of datalogger bij. Het overzicht van de erfgoedcellen in Vlaanderen en Brussel vind je hier.

Provincial services

Most provincial lending services do not have a specific provision for heritage management. This task was transferred a few years ago to the heritage lending service coordinated by FARO (see above). The provincial lending services are more focused on supporting events. An exception is the provincial lending service of East Flanders, where East Flemish immovable heritage organisations can go to the Provincial Heritage Centre in Ename. Movable heritage, to which the heritage of arts organisations belongs, is outside the scope of this service. An exception is made in the event of an emergency. You can find the offering here.

Flemish Community Commission

Cultural heritage managers in Brussels can use the museum-specific lending service provided by the Flemish Community Commission / Brussels Heritage Society as part of its depot policy. Arts organisations can also use this service as part of their collection management. The catalogue includes various measuring instruments, museum vacuum cleaners, a lighting set and photo tent, scanners and audiovisual material. Make sure you send your request at least seven working days before the loan date to erfgoedbrussel@vgc.be.

The Flemish Community Commission also has a general lending desk with audiovisual materials, vehicles, sports and games materials for socio-cultural activities of Dutch-speaking organisations in Brussels. You can find more information here. This lending desk fulfils the same function in Brussels as the provincial lending services in Flanders.

Author: Christopher De Keyser (AMVB)

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