FARO is the support centre for all material and intangible heritage in Flanders and Brussels. As a service organisation, FARO fulfils an intermediary role between the Flemish government and the cultural heritage field. As defined in the Flemish Cultural Heritage Decree, the main goal of FARO is to support cultural heritage organisations, public administrations and other managers of cultural heritage and to stimulate the further development of the cultural heritage field.
FARO possesses a lot of know-how regarding the sustainable management and valorisation of (digital) cultural heritage. The organisation makes this substantive and methodological knowledge available to the broader cultural heritage sector, for example by taking part in the steering committee of a project or by providing practical advice.
Grasmarkt 105 bus 44
B-1000 Brussel
Tel: +32 (0)2 213 10 60
e-mail: info@faro.be